Kynd Kitty (KYND) Tokenomics
Token Name : KYND KITTY
Ticker Symbol : KYND
Decimals : TBA
Circulation : TBA
Contract Address : TBA
Tax per transaction : 7%
Burn rate per transaction : 3%
Mint Function : N.A
What is Kynd Kitty (KYND) ?
A deflationary BEP-20 token created on the Binance Smart Chain to facilitate payments at .For every KYND transaction we are implementing a 7% transaction tax and 1% tax burn to encourage hodling for the long term. As the total supply dwindles down,this may ideally cause the monetary value of each token to rise.
What is a 7% transaction tax?
For every transaction,there is a 7% tax in which it will be automatically distributed to all KYND holders.
What is a 3% transaction tax burn?
For every transaction,3% of the amount will be burned
Why was KYND KITTY (KYND) created?
It was mainly because fiat payments through standard payment processors take four to seven days to be banked in.This is quite a conumdrum for any budding entrepreneur who is just starting a new business or whose credit limit is not up to par.
Any token transfer on the Binance Smart Chain usually takes a few seconds and most importantly relatively cheap fees.
Where can i use KYND KITTY (KYND) ?
Trading can conducted once it is listed at PancakeSwap.